How to Customize Colors in JCal Pro Categories

How to Customize Colors in JCal Pro Categories

JCal Pro is the premier events calendar for Joomla with a beautiful front end display. By default, JCal Pro assigns the same color to all events categories and events. So, all the categories and events will look the same.

JCal Pro allows you to easily set a unique color for every category instead of the default one. This new category color will be passed to the category events as well. In this tutorial, you will learn how to set your preferred color to all events categories. 

Read more: How to Customize Colors in JCal Pro Categories

A Guided Tour of Joomla's configuration.php File

A Guided Tour of Joomla's configuration.php File

Joomlashack members often ask us to help with problems with paths, passwords, data base connections and other basic configuration issues. This is especially true after a migration or move of a site.

Most of the fixes for these problems can be made in your configuration.php file. We're going to help you get to know it this very important file.

In this guide, were going to tell you:

  • Where you can locate your configuration.php file.
  • What each line affects and common settings.

This is not a comprehensive coding guide, but is a general reference to help you understand this important Joomla file.

Read more: A Guided Tour of Joomla's configuration.php File

How to Install a Joomlashack Template Demo Site with Akeeba Kickstart

Now and then our templates customers ask for a template Quick Start pack. Some Joomla templates providers offer them but we don't.

Instead, we offer an installable .jpa file of the requested template. Once you installed it, you will get an exact copy of the template's fully-fledged Demo site that you see at Joomlashack.

Use it if you would like your Joomla site to be its exact or very close replica.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install it using the popular "Akeeba Kickstart Core" tool. For this demonstration, I will use our Alasse template.

Read more: How to Install a Joomlashack Template Demo Site with Akeeba Kickstart

How to Fix Joomla folders and files permissions with Admin Tools

How to Fix Joomla folders and files permissions with Admin Tools

A common issue with server migrations, components installations, and site security in Joomla is wrong folders and files permissions. If you are new to Joomla folders and file permissions, please visit our tutorial How to Change Joomla Folder and File Permissions.

In this tutorial, however, you will learn how to fix wrong files and folders permissions using free Admin Tools Core. This popular component is a powerful way to quickly correct any folder and file permissions you may encounter.

Read more: How to Fix Joomla folders and files permissions with Admin Tools

How to Fix Broken Joomla User Groups

How to Fix Broken Joomla User Groups

Joomla's user groups can be really powerful.

However, it's also possible to cause problems for yourself by making errors while setting up the user groups.

One Joomlashack member remained a super administrator and able to log-in to their site, but they lost the ability to see the administrator menu links and edit their site.

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to rescue yourself if your super administrator account no longer has the permissions it should.

Read more: How to Fix Broken Joomla User Groups

How to Create a Google News Sitemap for Joomla Sites

How to Create a Google News Sitemap for Joomla Sites

Google News is an excellent source of traffic for many sites.

To help them find your articles, Google wants you to submit a specially-formatted sitemap which has custom news tags and only lists content added in the last 2 days.

I'm going to show you how to create a sitemap for your Joomla site that Google News will accept.

Read more: How to Create a Google News Sitemap for Joomla Sites

OSMap: Removing Links From a Joomla Sitemap

OSMap: Removing Links From a Joomla Sitemap

OSMap is the best and easiest way to create a Joomla sitemap.

When you install OSMap, it automatically creates a sitemap for you.

For more advanced users, it's possible to edit your sitemaps to include or exclude certain URLs. You may want to do this for visual purposes (you want a short and clean sitemap) or for SEO purposes (to exclude certain URLs from Google's index).

Read more: OSMap: Removing Links From a Joomla Sitemap

Converting a WordPress Site to Joomla

How to convert a WordPress site to Joomla

This tutorial will show you how to move an existing WordPress site over to Joomla. This will work for many WordPress versions up to 5 and will work for Joomla 3.

We also have a tutorial showing how to move in the opposite direction, migrating from Joomla to WordPress.

Read more: Converting a WordPress Site to Joomla

How to Change the Default Language in Joomla

When you create a new install of Joomla, you have to choose a default language.

For example, if you choose English (UK) as the default language, your site will use that language in the backend and frontend.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to change that default. I'll show you how to set up a new language pack in Joomla and set that as the default.

Read more: How to Change the Default Language in Joomla

Joomla Legal File Types and Maximum Upload Size

Joomla Legal File Types and Maximum Upload Size

By default, Joomla only allows you to upload certain file types. Also, it only allows you to upload files of a certain size.

For example, these are the file types that a normal Joomla site allows:


Read more: Joomla Legal File Types and Maximum Upload Size