Add a Custom Text Field to a Joomla Template

How to Add a Custom Text Field to a Joomla Template

Do you need to add a new setting in your Joomla template? With a few lines of PHP and XML code you can add a text field to print custom text in your public site.

In this post, I'm going to share with you how to add a custom text field to a Joomla 3 template.

Read more: Add a Custom Text Field to a Joomla Template

Update Joomla 1.5 and 2.5 With Security Hotfixes

Update Joomla 1.5 and 2.5 With Security Hotfixes

[Update]This advice applies for both Joomla 3.4.6 and 3.4.7. They are patching the same file.

Joomla 3.4.6 was released today in order to fix a serious security vulnerability. For Joomla 3 users, updating is a simple one-click process from their admin area.

However, unlike previous security issues, this one applies not only to Joomla 3, but also to older versions including Joomla 1.5 and 2.5.

If you have sites running Joomla 1.5 or 2.5, follow these instructions to update today. According to security analysts, this vulnerability is being actively exploited, so please don't waste any time in updating.

Read more: Update Joomla 1.5 and 2.5 With Security Hotfixes

Protect your Joomla Administrator with AdminExile

Protect your Joomla Backend with AdminExile

AdminExile adds an extra security layer in Joomla. This plugin makes it possible to deny access to your administrator login page.

We've found this to be useful for security, but also to keep our site online. Before we protected our login area, we found that spam bots could hit our login often enough to take our site offline.

In this tutorial, I'm going to explain how to use the basic feature of this plugin.

Read more: Protect your Joomla Administrator with AdminExile

How to Create Joomla User Groups and Access Levels

How to Create User Groups and Access Levels

User groups and Access levels makes it possible to organize and define permissions for users in Joomla.

The default user groups in new sites are Registered, Manager, Super User, etc. These groups enough for regular projects, however sometimes it's required to create custom groups.

In this tutorial, I'm going show you how to create a user group and to assign it to an access level.

Read more: How to Create Joomla User Groups and Access Levels

How to Manually Disable Admin Tools in Joomla

How to Manually Disable the Admin Tools Plugin

One of our users was accidentally locked out of his Joomla administrator by Admin Tools. He had triggered a strict security feature in Admin Tools that denied him access, even though he was a super user.

The error he received was this:

You are a spammer, hacker or an otherwise bad person.

I'm going show you two methods to disable Admin Tools. This will allow you to login again in the admin area of Joomla, fix the issue, then reenable Admin Tools.

Read more: How to Manually Disable Admin Tools in Joomla

4 Tips for New Joomla Template Developers

4 Joomla Tips for Template Developers

Template design is my favorite Joomla topic.

With a few lines of PHP I can load custom CSS files, redesign a module's output, add responsive support and do much more.

In this post, I'm going share with you a few tips to develop or customize a Joomla 3 template.Joomla 3 template.

Read more: 4 Tips for New Joomla Template Developers

More Widgetkit Coolness with X / Twitter, Articles and Slideshows

Widgetkit2: Integrating X / Twitter and Joomla

Welcome to the third post in our series about Widgetkit, the Joomla toolkit from YOOtheme.

In the previous post, we created some widgets to show photo galleries and maps. In this post, I'm going to show you how to create more widgets, including X / Twitter integration, a Grid Stack display of articles and a slideshow.

Read more: More Widgetkit Coolness with X / Twitter, Articles and Slideshows

How to Enable Voting on Joomla Articles

How to Enable Voting in Joomla Articles

Did you know that Joomla has a core feature that allow users to rate your content?

The Vote plugin, which allow your users to qualify from 1 to 5 stars the articles.

In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to enable the voting feature for your articles.

Read more: How to Enable Voting on Joomla Articles

The 7 New Features in Joomla 3.5

The 8 New Features in Joomla 3.5

The final version of Joomla 3.5 is here!

We downloaded Joomla 3.5 and tested all the new features. Here are the seven noticeable changes that you'll find in Joomla 3.5:

Read more: The 7 New Features in Joomla 3.5

Widgetkit: Google Maps and Image Galleries

Widgetkit: Google Maps and Image Galleries

In the first post in this series, I introduced you to Widgetkit, YOOtheme's toolkit for Joomla users.

In this second post, let's see examples of Widgetkit in action.

I'm going to show you how to install Widgetkit, then how to create Google Maps and also how to create a photo gallery from an image folder.

Read more: Widgetkit: Google Maps and Image Galleries