How to Create a Joomla Contact Form Module

How to Create a Joomla Contact Form Module

This tutorial will show you how to add a contact form to the front of your Joomla site.

This will allow people to contact you quickly without having to navigate through to a dedicated "Contact Us" page.

Read more: How to Create a Joomla Contact Form Module

Send Your Joomla Forms Entries to Google Sheets

Send Your Joomla Forms Entries to Google Sheets

Our favorite Joomla forms extension is Shack Forms.

It has a ton of cool features that you won't find in many other Joomla forms. For example, you can store your entries in Google Sheets. Once your data is inside a Google sheet you can analyze, share or use the information in thousands of different ways.

Let's show you how to send your Joomla forms data to Google Sheets.

Read more: Send Your Joomla Forms Entries to Google Sheets

Open a Joomla Form by Clicking on a Menu Link

Open a Joomla Form by Clicking on a Menu Link

Some websites make it really hard to contact them. The "Contact Us" page is hidden in the footer. The social media icons, if there any, lead to accounts where no-one ever replies.

Why not make it as easy as possible to contact you?!?

One good idea is to place a "Contact Us" in your menu. As soon as people click on it, they'll get a pop-up box with a contact form. Your visitors don't even need to visit a different page. That's as easy as it gets.

Read more: Open a Joomla Form by Clicking on a Menu Link

What is the Contact Creator Plugin in Joomla?

What is the Contact Creator Plugin in Joomla?

We've already written a tutorial on how to create Joomla contact forms using the core Joomla Contacts component.

There is also a plugin built into the core, which automates the creation of the contact form and adds new users to the contact list as soon as you create them.

This little plugin, called Contact Creator, will cut the work of adding contacts almost in half, or if used correctly, could automate it completely.

We recommend Shack Forms for any advanced Joomla contact forms, but there's a lot you can do with the Joomla core.

Read more: What is the Contact Creator Plugin in Joomla?

How to Embed Google Maps in Joomla

How to Embed Google Maps in Joomla

Google Maps are some of the trickiest things to embed in any Joomla website. Or, at least they used to be. That's no longer the case, thanks to the OSEmbed extension.

Using OSEmbed, You can embed Google Maps into your Joomla site with just a URL. This feature is so cool that it's not even available in WordPress, which is famous for easy embeds.

Read more: How to Embed Google Maps in Joomla

How to Create HikaShop Product Characteristics and Variants

How to Create HikaShop Product Characteristics and Variants

Last week, one of our customers asked how to set up HikaShop product variants.

HikaShop is one of our favorite e-commerce Joomla extensions.

We created the "How to Use the Hikashop Extension" video class to make learning HikaShop fun. 

Read more: How to Create HikaShop Product Characteristics and Variants

Joomla Mobile Toolbar Module from JoomForest

Joomla Mobile Toolbar Module from JoomForest

A good navigation menu can hugely improve your website user experience. If your site does not have an easy to use navigation menu system, then your customers will most likely get confused and leave to your competitors. Keeping your site navigation menu as simple as possible, will increase your customer satisfaction and make them come back to your site for more.

JF Mobile Bar is a complete mobile navigation solution for Joomla. It can either partially or completely replace your Joomla template's own header or menu. It offers your mobile visitors a flawless browsing experience that is tailored specifically to small screens. This unique Joomla tool can also work on tablet or desktop browsers.

Read more: Joomla Mobile Toolbar Module from JoomForest

How to Track Search Queries on Your Joomla Site

Track Search Queries on Your Joomla Site

This tutorial will show you how to track search queries on your Joomla site.

Often these queries can be a great source of information about what your visitors want:

  • They show you what visitors can't find: If one search term is really popular, it might be because people can't find it using your current menus ... it might be time to add a new menu link.
  • They show you what visitors really want: You may think people want "pink widgets" but search terms might show that people really want "blue widgets".

Read more: How to Track Search Queries on Your Joomla Site

How to Recover a Lost Joomla Username and Password

How to Recover a Lost Joomla Username and Password

We've had several people recently contact us after losing the login to their Joomla site.

In this tutorial, you'll learn:

  1. How to recover your lost Joomla username
  2. How to recover your lost Joomla password
  3. How to recover your lost Super User password

Read more: How to Recover a Lost Joomla Username and Password

How to Check The Joomla Version Via the Files

Your new client has an emergency. Their site has been down for two days after they tried upgrading and they can't log into the admin. They can't figure out how to fix it and need your help.

Thankfully, you've learned Reset Core Files trick. But, since it's a new client, you're not certain what their version is and they haven't respond to your latest email. So what do you do now?

This tutorial will show you a quick way to figure out the Joomla version via the files. Let's get started.

Read more: How to Check The Joomla Version Via the Files