Add Social Bookmarks to Kunena

bt social kunena joomlaIf you run a forum, you probably hope that your community creates interesting posts that are worth sharing.

Kunena is the best Joomla forum, but by default it doesn't have any sharing options.

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to integrate the BT Social Sharing plugin with Kunena so that your visitors can share posts on social media.

Read more: Add Social Bookmarks to Kunena

30 Minutes to Truly Understand Joomla Permissions

Joomla Access ControlAny software with more than one user requires permisssions.

However, managing those permissions is never easy and the more users you have, the more difficult it gets.

If you've been confused about Joomla's groups and access levels, you need to watch this video.

Read more: 30 Minutes to Truly Understand Joomla Permissions

How to Build Multi-Lingual Joomla 3 Sites

Joomla Multi-lingual sitesLast week we edited and posted all of the videos from Joomla 3 Day.

One of my favorite sessions was from Ron van Schaik, who talked about how to build multi-lingual sites with Joomla 3.

Ron takes you through the process you'll need to follow, explaining each step carefully and pointing out common mistakes.

Read more: How to Build Multi-Lingual Joomla 3 Sites

Joomla 3 Day Videos Now Online

joomla 3 explainedAbout 10 days ago, we held a special online event called "Joomla 3 Day".

Joomla 3 Day was like a free, online Joomla Day.

We had a series of 30 to 45 minute presentations. The expert speakers talked about speeding up your Joomla website, building multi-lingual websites, the new features in K2, and much more.

We held the event to mark the publication of Joomla 3 Explained, so all the presentations focused on Joomla 3.

Read more: Joomla 3 Day Videos Now Online

OSMeta, a Very Simple Joomla Metadata Manager

Over the last 6 months we've been working on OSMeta, which is a metadata manager for Joomla sites.

We created OSMeta because we couldn't find a metadata extension that was simple and usable enough for our needs.

We've been using OSMeta on our own sites and on customer sites. We've also been recommending it to OSTraining members. The most gratifying thing is that most of our members didn't require any explanation. They just installed it and were able to figure out how to use it with no explanation.

So, the feedback has been good, and we're ready to release OSMeta to the public.

Read more: OSMeta, a Very Simple Joomla Metadata Manager

Sample Media Queries for Responsive Joomla Templates

joomla media queries responsive cssEveryone wants a responsive Joomla template for their site. 

However, if you buy or download a responsive Joomla template you will probably need to edit certain elements to meet the needs of your site. You may also need to fix problems on certain screen sizes.

In this tutorial, we're going to show you some CSS examples so that you can see how to customize your site for different screen sizes.

Read more: Sample Media Queries for Responsive Joomla Templates

A Wider Perspective on Joomla Security

joomla securityBrent Laminack is one of the most experienced developers I've had the privilege of working with.

Brent's been a coder and sysadmin for over 30 years. He's been involved in the open source community in Atlanta for many years.

So, it won't surprise you to hear that Brent takes a much wider view of security than simply keeping your site up-to-date.

Read more: A Wider Perspective on Joomla Security

Re-Launching OSTraining from the Command Line

ostraining redesignWe redesigned this site at the end of the June.

This was a complete redesign and, in addition to the new template and images, the whole process required deep changes to your site structure.

We need to change menus, modules, categories, articles, extensions options and apply many other updates. We started to worry about the complexity of the upgrade and what could go wrong during the process.

This post outlines how we approached the problem and how we managed to successfully complete a complex update inside 20 minutes.

Read more: Re-Launching OSTraining from the Command Line

Joomla SEO: A Practical Guide

Joomla SEOSteven Johnson is an affiliate marketer who has run several successful sites around TVs, iPhones and iPods.

Steven is also a long-time Joomla user, and he's really learned how to optimize Joomla for high rankings.

In this presentation, Steven gives a practical guide to optimizing your Joomla site. He covers popular SEO extensions, metadata and plenty of off-page factors.

Read more: Joomla SEO: A Practical Guide

Social Networking Extensions for Joomla

joomla-social-networks-extensionsAlex Andreae is an experienced Joomla developer who focuses on social apps.

In this talk, he introduces you to the complete world of social tools.

Alex covers social network authentication, share buttons, comments, Facebook Open Graph, X / Twitter Cards, Google Structured data and more.

Read more: Social Networking Extensions for Joomla