What is the "Require Agreement" Checkbox in OSDownloads

The Require Agreement checkbox allows you to mandate that users accept specific terms and conditions before they can download a file from your site.

the terms and conditions checkbox

Here's how you can configure it:

  • Navigate to the specific file within OSDownloads you want to require an agreement for.
  • In the file's settings, go to the Requirements to Download tab:

the requirements to download tab

  • Locate the Require Agreement parameter and set it to Yes.

the requirements to download parameter set to yes

  • After enabling the requirement, use the Agreement Article parameter to choose the Joomla article that contains your terms and conditions:

the agreement article parameter

This article will be presented to users, and they must agree to its content before proceeding with the download.

By implementing this setting, you ensure that users acknowledge and accept your specified terms before downloading your files.