How to Hide the Advanced Filter of the OSCampus Pro Search Module

OSCampus Pro includes a search module that allows users to find training pathways, classes, and lessons. By default, this module displays an Advanced slidedown tool:

the advance filter slidedown tool

If you prefer a cleaner look or don’t need this feature, you can hide it using the Joomla’s core Template Override functionality.

Here is the OSCampus Pro Search module without the Advanced slidedown tool:

the modified search module

Here is the step-by-step process to achieving this minimalist design.

  • In your Joomla admin panel, navigate to System > Site Templates.

the site templates link

  • You will see the Templates: Templates (Site) page. Click on the title of your active front-end template. In this example, we select Cassiopeia Details and Files.

the site template title link

  • Now, you’ll be on the Templates: Customise (<your-template>) screen. Click on the Create Overrides tab:

the create override tab

  • In the Module column, click on mod_oscampus_search:

the mod_oscampus_search link

  • You will see the "Override created in ..." message. Navigate to html > mod_oscampus_search > default.php:

 the default.php file link

You will see the Override file (edible) box with the code of the default.php file. Completely delete its code:

 the override file box

  • Click here to open the default.php file with the code that displays the OSCampus Pro Search module without the the Advanced slidedown tool.
  • This will bring you to the Joomlashack GitHub Public code repository with the default.php open. Select all of the file's code:

selected code of the new default.php file

  • Go back to the default.php file in your Joomla admin dashboard and paste the copied code.
  • Click Save or Save & Close, and you’re done! The Advanced widget will no longer appear in the OSCampus Pro search module.