How to Add a Course Title to a Lesson Title in OSCampus

By default, the title of an OSCampus lesson consists only of the name of the lesson:

oscampus lsm lesson title by default

You or your client may prefer the lesson title to also include the title of the course this lesson is a part of:

oscampus lsm lesson title including the course title

You can achieve this with the Joomla template overrides.

Let's get started.

  • In your Joomla administrator panel, go to Extensions > Templates > Templates:

go to extensions templates templates

  • You will be taken to the "Templates: Templates (Site)" page listing templates installed on your site. Click "[Your template name] Details and Files". In my example, I will click "Js_mondrian Details and Files", as you can see on the next image:

click on the name of your joomla template

  • This will bring you to the "Templates: Customise (Your template name)" screen. Click the "Create Overrides" tab:

click create overrides

  • You will see the following four columns: "Modules", "Components", "Plugins", and "Layouts". In the "Components" column, click "com_oscampus" > "lesson":

click com oscampus lesson

  • You will see the "Override created ..." message on a light green background as shown on the next image. Click the "Editor" tab:

override created

  • Click html > com_oscampus > lesson > default.php:

click default php

  • You will see the code of the default.php file displayed in the right side pan, as you can see on the next image. On approximately line 28, delete the following code for the h1 HTML tag:

<h1 class="osc-lesson-title"><?php echo $this->lesson->title; ?></h1>

 delete this code for the h1 tag


  • Replace it with the following code:

<h1><?php echo $this->lesson->courseTitle; ?> - <?php echo $this->lesson->title;?></h1>

replace it with the following code

  • Click "Save" or "Save & Close".
  • Check a page of your OSCampus lesson. You will see that now its title includes both the name of the course and the name of the lesson.