How to Add a New Teacher with OSCampus

Documentation for Joomla 3

Manage the teachers for the classes you will provide through OSCampus.

  1. Go to Components
  2. OSCampus
  3. Teachers
  4. New

add teacher menu

Fill in the details:

  • User. Link to a Joomla user from your existing users.
  • Image. Choose an image for the teacher.
  • Description. Type a small biography for the teacher.
  • On the right, optionally type the teacher's website URL, social networks, and blog.

add teacher

  • Click Save and close when you're done.
  • Repeat the process for each new teacher.

Documentation for Joomla 5

In this document, you will learn how to create a teacher for the OSCampus Pro Joomla 5 LMS extension.

  • In your Joomla 5 admin dashboard, go to Components > OSCampus Pro > Teachers:

j4 the teachers navigation link

  • You will see the "OSCampus Pro: Teachers" screen. Click New:

the new button

  • This will open up the "OSCampus Pro: Create Teacher" screen, as you can see in the next image:

j4 the create teasher screen

Fill in the new teacher details:

  • User. Select a Joomla user from the existing Joomla users.
  • Image. Select or upload an image or a photo of the teacher.
  • Description. Enter a small biography of the teacher.

On the right side of the screen, you can optionally set a few more teacher's details:

fields for teacher website email blog and social networks

  • Website. The teacher's website full URL
  • Email. Their email address
  • Blog. Their blog full URL
  • Facebook. Their Facebook full URL
  • X / Twitter. Their X / Twitter full URL
  • LinkedIn.  Their LinkedIn full URL.
  • Click Save & Close when you're done.
  • Repeat the process for each new teacher.