Date formats differ from country to country. JCal Pro offers you 56 pre-set formats to display the date of an event on your Joomla calendar in a format appropriate to your country.
How to Use Pre-set Date Formats
- In your JCal Pro control panel, click the "Options" button in the top right corner of the screen:
- This will bring you to the "JCal Pro Configuration" screen. Click the "Display" tab:
- On the "Display" tab, locate the "Event Format" setting and select one of the formats listed in its field:
- Click "Save" or "Save & Close".
When you check your Joomla calendar now, you will notice that the format of the event date changed according to your new setting:
56 Date Formats
In the "Event Format", you have the following 56 formats to select:
- Saturday, February 1, 2020
- Saturday, February 1
- Saturday, February 01, 2020
- Saturday, February 01
- Saturday, Feb. 1, 2020
- Saturday, Feb. 1
- Saturday, Feb. 01, 2020
- Saturday, Feb. 01
- Saturday
- Sat. Feb. 1, 2020
- Sat. Feb. 1
- Sat. 1. February 2020
- Sat. 1. Feb. 2020
- Sat. 1 Feb. 2020
- Sat. 1 Feb.
- Sat.
- February 2020
- February 20
- February 1, 2020
- February 1
- February 01, 2020
- February 01
- February
- Feb/01/2020
- Feb/01/20
- Feb. 2020
- Feb. 2020
- Feb. 20
- Feb.
- Feb-01-2020
- Feb-01-20
- Feb 01 2020
- Feb 01 20
- 1 February, 2020
- 1 February
- 02/01/2020
- 02/01/20
- 02 01 2020
- 02 01 20
- 01/Feb/2020
- 01/Feb/20
- 01/02/2020
- 01/02/20
- 01.02.2020
- 01.02.20
- 01-Feb-2020
- 01-Feb-20
- 01-02-2020
- 01-02-20
- 01 February, 2020
- 01 February
- 01 Feb 2020
- 01 Feb 20
- 01 02 2020
- 01 02 20