Customize Registration Notifications to the Administrator in JCal Pro

When someone confirms registration to a JCal Pro event, JCal Pre sends out the "New Event Registration" email notification to the site administrator.

Here is the body of this email notification:

Someone has registered for the event "{%event.title%}", at {} ({%site.url%}).

Here are the details of the registration::


You can easily customize this email notification by adding in it some event registration details, for example, a username of the registrant.

Let's take a look at how to do that.

  • In JCal Pro control panel, please go to "Emails":

01 go to emails

  • You will be taken to the "JCal Pro: Emails" screen. Click "New Event Registration":

click new event registration

  • Replace "Someone" with the email tag {}:

replace someone with the username email tag

  • If you are done with adding email tags in this email notification, click "Save" or "Save & Close".
  • Check your admin notification on a new registration arrived for a JCal Pro event. You will see that the email contains the registrant username:

notification with username