How to Customize Event Creation Page in JCal Pro

In some use cases, you may want to customize JCal Pro event creation page and hide the following fields:

  • Secondary Categories
  • Language
  • Location
  • Tags

fields to hide

Here is how such a customized page for JCal Pro event creation without those fields will look like:

final page

Achieving this is a two-step process:

  1. Create a template override for the JCal Pro "event" page
  2. Edit the template override for the JCal Pro "event" page

Let's take a look at this process in more detail.

Step #1. Create a template override for the JCal Pro "event" page

  • In your Joomla administrator panel, go to "Extensions" > "Templates" > "Templates":

go to extensions templates templates

  • You will see the "Templates: Templates (Site)" page listing Joomla templates installed on your site, as shown in the next image. Click on the name of your active Joomla template. In my example, I will click on the "Js_mondrian":

click on the name of your joomla template

  • This will bring you to the "Templates: Customize (your-joomla-template)" screen, as you can see in the next image. Click the "Create Overrides" tab:

click the create overrides tab

  • Under the "Components" column, click "jcal pro" and then click "event":

click jcal pro click event

  • You will see the message saying that your template override was successfully created:

override successfully created

Excellent! At this point, you are ready to move to the next step.

Step #2. Edit the template override for the JCal Pro "event" page

  • On the "Editor" tab, click "html" > "com_jcalpro" > "event" > "edit.php":

click event

  • You will see the code of the edit.php file on the right side of the screen. Place the /* and */ symbols on line 100 and lines 106-108 to comment out the code, as you can see on the next image:

comment out the code

  • Click "Save" or "Save & Close".
  • Check the frontend page for creating a JCal Pro event. You should see that the required fields are now hidden, just as you intended.