Wright Moves to a New Home, Invites Guests Over to Party

A great Joomla Template Framework is now even better

Last August we announced a major update to our Wright Template Framework. With this update, we were among the first in the industry to provide templates and support for Joomla 3.0, while also introducing a host of great new features, including responsiveness. This was a big step for Wright, made even greater because we did not lose sight of Wright's trademark lightness - - we made it even lighter still.

You are cordially invited to Wright's Housewarming Party

We are proud of Wright, its features, its lightness, its reliability. We are so proud in fact, that we want to share it with the world. Even though Wright has always been free to download, today we've completed a move from our private repository to Wright's new home at Github.

You can also own Wright

Wright has always been available free to download, but previously it was not easy to contribute to it. Wright's new home at Github makes it easy for everyone to freely chip in and help us make it even better. We've set up a general information page for Wright on Github, where you will find helpful information about what Wright is, general tips on how to work with it, and links to help you contribute, make feature requests, and report bugs. We're very pleased to finally have this move completed, and we're looking forward to the future development of Wright.

Celebrating Wright's Growth every Month

As part of our continued and growing efforts to make Wright the best Joomla Template Framework it can be, we are committing to regular monthly blog posts dedicated to it's continued development. We invite you to follow our blog for Wright news, tips and tricks, and future announcements specific to the framework. Afterall, we want you to think of Wright as your own Framework.

We would also like to include everyone in this process/party, and invite anyone who's interested to share their tips and tricks for using Wright, and share their sites built on Wright. We'll post the best tips and tricks in our Wright Wednesdays blog, for everyone to benefit from, and share sites with our readers, so they can see the great things being built with it!


The Men with the Wright Stuff