Wright Framework Updates & Adoption


Wright Responsive-01

A great Joomla Template Framework that keeps getting better!

Last August we announced a major update to our Wright Template Framework. Since that time we've continued to do periodic updates to bring more stability and bug fixes, and seen some exciting adoptions of Wright from Joomla community members and companies.

This week I'm excited to announce the upcoming release of Wright v3.1, which includes some great new features, and equally as excited to share an interview with yet another Joomla community member who's adopted Wright for all of his work, Nick Savov.

Wright Responsive-01

A great Joomla Template Framework that keeps getting better!

Last August we announced a major update to our Wright Template Framework. Since that time we've continued to do periodic updates to bring more stability and bug fixes, and seen some exciting adoptions of Wright from Joomla community members and companies.

This week I'm excited to announce the upcoming release of Wright v3.1, which includes some great new features, and equally as excited to share an interview with yet another Joomla community member who's adopted Wright for all of his work, Nick Savov.

Wright becomes LESS, and more...

While this article will not cover the upcoming 3.1 release in full detail, I couldn't help but mention that among other updates, Wright will soon have full native LESS support in v3.1!  We'll cover in full detail what this means in a dedicated article once we release, but for those who have some idea, we're sure you'll be as excited as we are to see this update go live!

An interview with Nick Savov from OSTraining

We love Wright, and we love it when others love it too, and so it gives us great pride to see Wright adopted by great Joomla Community members like Nick Savov, of OSTraining, and member of the Joomla Production Leadership Team (PLT) and Bug Squad Co-cordinator.

Nick took a few moments out of his busy schedule to share why he adopted Wright for his personal work:

Of all the frameworks available, why did you choose Wright?

I spent a lot of time looking at the different available Joomla 3 frameworks and was even considering creating my own. After testing the Wright Framework, I fell in love with it and it basically had everything that I needed and wanted. Some of the main features that drew me to the Wright Framework:

    • Responsive - It's Bootstrapped and even provides Bootstrap's drop down menus.
    • Joomla 3 and Joomla 2.5 compatible - This was important, because I didn't want to create two different versions of my templates. I just wanted one that works for both major Joomla versions.
    • Easy to upgrade to new versions - When a new Joomla version or template framework version comes out, I wanted to be able to upgrade easily and in minimal time.
    • Relatively light-weight and quick.
    • Highly customizable/overrideable, and easy to use - I loved that the workfllow was so close to creating a regular non-framework template and that I didn't have to relearn everything just to use the framework. I also loved the fact that I could easily customize it and override CSS files, etc, without fearing losing the changes when upgrading Wright to the latest version.

If I were to create a template framework myself, it would basically be like the Wright framework, so there was no sense in re-inventing the wheel. I've decided to make the Wright framework my framework of choice because it's exactly what I want.

Please share a link to where your work with Wright can be seen in action.


What do you like about the Wright framework?

In addition to what I've already mentioned, Wright saves a lot of development time.

What future plans do you have for using Wright?

If I need a new template for a client, the first place I'd look at is Joomlashack's templates, since they'd be easy to use and I can count on them supporting the latest version of Joomla and being Bootstrapped.

If I need a custom design, then I'd do it with the Wright Framework.

Please share anything you might like to share that we've not asked.

TJ and Tito's support has been outstanding! :)

We're greatful for Nick taking time to share his input, and excited that he's adopted Wright and will be contributing to it's future development in the Wright Github Project. The Wright family keeps growing - - the more the merrier.

Be sure to check out the Wright Resource links located above, and join the fun!