Red Goes Wright

Wright is moving right along these days, seeing great improvements to stability as well as some upcoming exciting enhancements (think full LESS support). It's no wonder that powerhouse Joomla company RedComponent, one of the largest Joomla companies in the world (if not THE largest), has decided to adopt Wright for all of their template and project needs!

We had a chance to ask owner Ronni Christiansen a few questions about why his company chose Wright:


Wright is moving right along these days, seeing great improvements to stability as well as some upcoming exciting enhancements (think full LESS support). It's no wonder that power house Joomla company RedComponent, one of the largest Joomla companies in the world (if not THE largest), has decided to adopt Wright for all of their template and project needs!

We had a chance to ask owner Ronni Christiansen a few questions about why his company chose Wright:

How long have you been building Joomla templates?
Since 2005 (and Mambo before that).

What is the benefit of using a framework to build a Joomla template?
It removes the repetitive phases of labor and lets you focus on creativity and adding truly unique elements and features.

Of all the frameworks available, why did you choose Wright?
We liked the concept and current state of it - but also where it was going. At the same time it was pretty lightweight and not bloated so it was an ideal solution for us.

What have you used Wright for so far?
We still do not have anything public yet - end of May we will launch the first Quick installer + Joomla Template built on our adaptation of Wright with redSHOP support.

What do you like most about the Wright framework?
That is was basically moving in the same direction we were going - so instead of reinventing the wheel we decided to join forces with JoomlaShack and others to improve it and evolve it.

What’s the potential you see in the Wright framework?
One of the first things we focused on was adopting LESS fully - but then beyond that we will be adding in layers for our components etc. to be natively supported in our adaptation.

How long did it take to download Wright and create your template?
Not long to be honest - I think we spent a day's time to get the first one done for testing etc. As for future templates, they are a lot more complex and require full support from redSHOP. Later on, we will implement it on other of our components, which will likely be a longer process.

What are your future plans for using Wright?
We plan to use Wright for both our frontend project department at as well as all of our future templates from which will be built on Wright featuring native support for our extensions.

We'd like to thank Ronni and his crew at redWeb / redComponent for adopting Wright, and for contributing to making it better. We're excited to see what future projects and products they use Wright for!

If you have decided to adopt Wright for a project and would like to share with us and possibly have your work showcased in a future article, please take a moment to fill out our short survey. We'll take a look and be in touch!