Some websites make it really hard to contact them. The "Contact Us" page is hidden in the footer. The social media icons, if there any, lead to accounts where no-one ever replies.
Why not make it as easy as possible to contact you?!?
One good idea is to place a "Contact Us" in your menu. As soon as people click on it, they'll get a pop-up box with a contact form. Your visitors don't even need to visit a different page. That's as easy as it gets.
In this post, I'll show you how to open a Joomla form directly from a menu link.
Step #1. Install Shack Forms
We're going to be using the Shack Forms extension in this tutorial. You can get Shack Forms from Joomlashack.
Step #2. Create the Shack Forms module
- Go to Extensions > Modules.
- Click "New".
- Choose "Shack Forms Pro".
Step #3. Create your form
If you're new to Shack Forms, you can use the Quick Start Guide to Shack Forms.
- One of the quickest ways to get started is to click the "Fields" tab and then click "Load sample fields".
- This will give you a sample contact form that you can use immediately:
- On the first page of Shack Forms, make sure your form is set to show in a "Lightbox Window":
Step #4. Place your form
Next, you need to place your form inside a lightbox that can be access via a menu link.
- Click the "Documentation" tab.
- Click the button that says "Click here to assign". This is needed because your form needs to be published on every page.
- At this point, I also recommend saving your new module.
- Under the "Documentation" tab, click "Add new menu item".
- You'll now be taken to the menu creation screen. The "Link" will be automatically entered for you, but make sure to enter a title for your link.
- Save your menu link.
Step #5. Test your form
- Go to the front of your site and look for your new menu link:
- Click the menu link and you should see your new form inside a lightbox. If anyone wants to get in touch with you, it's going to be super-easy!
So that's how you show a Joomla form that can be accessed just by clicking a menu link.
We also have a WordPress version of this tutorial: How to Open a WordPress Form by Clicking on a Menu Link.