Shack Open Graph is Ready for Joomla 4

Shack Open Graph is Ready for Joomla 4

Shack Open Graph is now available for Joomla 4 users!

When you share Joomla links on Facebook and Twitter, those sites don't find the correct information from Joomla URLs ... unless you use Shack Open Graph.

This extension adds Open Graph and Twitter Card tags to your site. These tags help Facebook and Twitter to pull the correct image and description from your site.

When you edit a Joomla 4 article with Shack Open Graph installed, you'll see a "Social Images" tab where you can select specific images for Twitter and Facebook. For example, you can use an image that's 1200px by 765px for Twitter, but also use another image that is 1200px by 630px and is optimized for Facebook.

shack open graph 4

If your site looks great on social media, the more people will share your news! You can customize your social images in many different ways. This screenshot below is a preview of what you can do with the Twitter images:

shack open graph 4 twitter

About the author

Steve is the CEO of Joomlashack. Originally from the UK, he now lives in Sarasota in the USA. Steve has been involved with Joomla since 2006.