How We Are NOT Responding to COVID-19

How We Are NOT Responding to COVID-19

In the last couple of weeks, my inbox has been over-flowing with COVID-19 emails:

  • "Hey, it's the hotel you visited five years ago. This is how we are responding to the virus."
  • "We sold you some software in 2012. Here is some bland work-at-home advice."
  • "We have no idea why we're emailing you. But our boss told us to send out a virus update."

To be honest, I don't have any great advice at all. We're trying to navigate day-to-day, just like you are. Events are moving so fast that even good advice today is likely to be out-of-date tomorrow.

Oh, and we're software developers. We're not medical experts.

All I can promise is that we're going to redouble our commitment to provide value to you, the Joomlashack customer. Here's an overview of how we plan to do that:

Our plan to help you with extensions

First, we're going to empty our vaults of all the useful tools and software we have. Here's the initial schedule:

  • This week, we're launching an extension called "Shack Error Notify". We've used this internally to catch any problems with our sites. It will email you any time there's a serious error.
  • Next week, we're releasing another extension called "Shack User Switching". This allows you to test any user account on your sites. With one click, you can browse your site and see exactly what your users see.
  • Before the end of March, you can say hello to our new eCommerce extension. This is a vastly improved version of Simple Renew that focuses on subscriptions. There will be integrations with Stripe and PayPal.

After that, we're going to keep digging and giving you more.

More about Shack Error Notify

Our plan to help the Joomla community

Would anyone want to join a weekly Joomla online user group?

This is an idea that seems worth trying for as long as most of us are stuck in quarantine:

  • Place: Hosted on Zoom and from there we can go live to YouTube and Facebook
  • Schedule: Meet each Wednesday for an hour.
  • Time: Morning US time, afternoon in Europe.
  • Topics: We'll get a speaker each week.
More about weekly online Joomla meetups

Over to you

We're here if you want to chat about anything at all.

We all have a long climb ahead of us. Let's start climbing together.

About the author

Steve is the CEO of Joomlashack. Originally from the UK, he now lives in Sarasota in the USA. Steve has been involved with Joomla since 2006.