How to Create a Joomla Site Quickly

In our classes we've talk about the SCAM workflow that makes building Joomla 1.5 websites much easier:

  • S: Go to Section Manager and create sections
  • C: Go to Category Manager and create categories
  • A: Go to Article Manager and create articles
  • M: Go to Menus and create menu links

That 4-step process is the key to building a site. A lot of people's confusion with Joomla comes from not knowing about that workflow. They try to create articles first and then realise they have no way to organize them. Or they create sections, categories and articles then wonder why they aren't visible on the site (they haven't made a menu link so that people can see them).

But what if this workflow could be done much more quickly? That's what we're going to explain in this tutorial using a component called MassContent.

  • Step 1: Go to and download Mass Content via this link.
  • Step 2: Go to Extensions >> Install / Uninstall and install the file (called com_masscontent)
  • Step 3: Go to Components >> Mass Content >> Create Mass Sections
  • Step 4: Enter the titles for all your sections, check the box saying "Copy Title to Alias" and then click Save.
How to Create a Joomla Site Quickly
  • Step 5: Go to "Create Mass Categories" and repeat the process. Make sure you put the categories in the correct section, using the dropdown on the right-hand side.
How to Create a Joomla Site Quickly
  • Step 6: Go to "Create Mass Content".
  • Step 7: Click on "Parameters" in the top-right and choose your setting. How many articles do you want to create? Do you want to use the WYSIWYG editor?
  • Step 8: Write your articles. You can either just write the title and fill in the rest later or you can actually create the full articles directly from this screen.

Video on How to Use Mass Content