Announcing Developer Club Member Spotlight- an exclusive page for our Developer Club members to showcase their best work
Joomla web developers and designers: what do you need from us to be successful in 2009?
When we launched the Joomlashack Developers Club in late 2007, we thought coupling unlimited use of all our templates with special recognition in our forum would offer you good value at $499.
After listening to you, we dropped the price even lower, to $399. We thought that was great value.
But 2009 is not 2008, or 2007. To help you be competive in a terrible economy, you need more from us.
Our Developer Club has to be better than good, and better than great.
This week, we announced to our existing members several improvements to the club that make it an exceptional value, especially in these lean times.
Now, in addition to unlimited access to all our templates (for unlimited use on any domain and entirely unbranded), we've opened up several exclusive marketing and revenue opportunities that give the member this exceptional value you need and expect.
Announcing the Joomlashack Developer Club Member Spotlight
As a part of our new Joomlashack Showcase, the Member Spotlight focuses attention on a member's business. Join the club, submit your information, and you might be in the spotlight where thousands of Joomlashack.com's unique visitors could see your best work.
We'll also put member profiles in our email newsletters that go out to hundreds of thousands of Joomla users. Your business could get a major burst of attention from our own marketing efforts!
So far, so good. But what else does the revamped Developer Club offer you?
Access to our private developer forum
Share Joomla tricks and tips with your peers and the Joomlashack team. We wrote the book on Joomla! and are unparalleled Joomla experts. And now, access is FOR LIFE- even if you don't resubscribe!
Professional Joomlashack Developer badge on our forum profile
At over 120,000 members and almost 10,000 hits a day, our forum is one of the biggest outside joomla.org. Your membership entitles you to a special "Dev Club Member" badge to advertise your Joomla expertise to our regular forum visitors.
We also allow you to use a modified forum signature to gain text links back to your site. And now, the badge is FOR LIFE- even if you don't resubscribe!
Higher commissions as a Joomlashack Affiliate- New!
Join our Joomlashack affiliate program and get a hefty 30% commission on any future sales- 10% more than our standard rate.
Special "members only" opportunities to test and use new Joomlashack products
Get special pre-release access to our latest templates, components, and services. Help us test and we'll give you a special early bird affiliate opportunities.
In these difficult times, you need, and should expect more and more from a $399 template club.