Simplicity has been on the shelf at Joomlashack ever since Joomla's release, and no doubt it has been one of your favorites.
This month we've taken the time to go over this template with a fine-toothed comb in an effort to maximize its efficiency for Joomla! 1.5.
Simplicity is still one of the fastest templates in the world, almost 18 months after its release, and it remains one of the few source ordered, hard-core SEO templates around.
Today we'd like to invite you back to the Simplicity demo to have a look at its progression into the Joomla! 1.5 realm.
Check out these excellent new features:
- Integrated Text Resizer and Width Selector
- Powerful Integrated Typography
- Pure Joomla CSS Suckerfish Menus
- 10 Module Positions
- 6 Module Styles
- 7 Included Theme Styles (Joomla 1.5 version only)
- Easy Color Customization CSS
- Source-Ordered/SEO Optimized
- Joomla Joomla! 1.5 Native with QuickLauncher for fast and easy setup
- Parametrized Options to reduce code hacking
The new and improved Simplicity is ready for you. Already own Simplicity? Log into your Joomlashack shop account and download it now.
Need this powerful, lightweight, and excellent Joomla 1.5 template? Buy it now!