All the Joomla News for June 2024

 All the Joomla News for June 2024
Hey everyone,

Thanks for using Joomla and Joomlashack.

Every month we post a round-up of news from around the Joomla community.

We've posted all of these updates, plus a lot more in the Joomlashack Facebook group, so join if you want daily Joomla updates. We have over 1,500 members now!

Planning for Joomla 5.2 is Underway

Joomla 5.1 was released in April. We can now expect Joomla 5.2 to arrive in October. This means that we're just starting the development process for 5.2. The first Alpha version is now available.
See the Joomla 5.2 Alpha release

All the Joomla Day USA Videos are Online

Congrats to the Joomla Day USA team who have published over 15 sessions from this year's events. You'll find talks from Benjamin Trenkle (one of the leads for Joomla 5), Nicholas Dionysopoulos (from Akeeba), and more.
Watch the Joomla Day USA videos

2,500 Templates for Joomla 5

Congrats to Daniel from TemplateJoomla who is building up a great resource for Joomla 5 users. He now has over 2,500 templates in his directory.
See all the Joomla 5 templates

Why Joomla's Release Cycle is Now Planned in Advanced

Philip Walton writes about why Joomla now commits specific release dates. This article is particularly targeted at developers. Did you know that Joomla now makes it very obvious when features will be deprecated?
Read about Joomla's releasing planning

Video: How to Empty or Manage Your Joomla Cache

Tim Davis says, "Caching is great to speed up the page load time of your Joomla site, but sometimes you just want to empty some or all of it!"
Watch Tim's video on the Joomla cache

Joomla Template Customization Course

Matthew Tamin provides an excellent 90 minute video to help you master the art of Joomla template editing. He shows you how to decipher and modify Joomla template code, plus how to customize layouts, colors, fonts, and more.
Watch Matthew's template course

Ryan Demmer, The Man Behind Joomla Content Editor

I've known Ryan for a long time and he's a great guy. He's also the developer of JCE (Joomla Content Editor), one of the most popular Joomla extensions. Serge Billon interviewed Ryan for the Joomla Magazine.
Read the interview with Ryan

If You Use Windows, Try Bearsampp

Olivier Buisard is an excellent Joomla developer and he explains why he now users Bearsampp when he needs a reliable local server environment. Bearsampp is free and available for Windows.
See why Olivier uses Bearsampp

Video: Intro to 4Command with Yannick Gaultier

Yannick Gaultier presents's newest extension for Joomla: 4Command. This extension provides a command palette and keyboard shortcut to make managing your site much easier.
Watch the video with Yannick

Joomla Days D-A-CH and Spain

There are two big Joomla events in Europe after the summer vacation: